Overview of input parameters for the pkmodel() macro


Pkmodel function input Process Required parameter Optional parameter Excluded parameter
Administration Bolus   Tlag, p Tk0, ka, Ktr, Mtt
Zero order absorption Tk0 Tlag, p ka, Ktr, Mtt
First order absorption ka Tlag, p Tk0
Absorption with transit compartments of mean transit time Mtt and transit rate Ktr ka, Ktr, Mtt Tlag, p Tk0
Bioavailability; fraction of the dose absorbed p Tlag Tk0, ka, Ktr, Mtt
Compartment Volume V    
Elimination Linear, rate ka   Cl, Km, Vm
Linear, clearance Cl   k, Km, Vm
Michaelis Menten Km, Vm   K, Cl
Transfers Transfer rates (k12,k21)
(k13, k31 )
Effect compartment transfer rate constant ke0    
Output Concentration in the central compartment first output name    
Concentration in the effect compartment second output name